7 Awesome gadgets that can help in money making

Here are seven ways that you can make money, and here are the gadgets that you will need to do so. You will also need other gadgets, but they are implied. For example, if you need a website then it is implied that you have a desktop computer with which to create it. Or, if the plot of the money making process relies on advertising from a car, then it is implied that you should have a car.

1 - The Smartphone with a barcode reader

Take a walk around the car boot sales, scan the barcodes of items you find and check the products against listings in eBay. If they are on eBay and are selling well with high prices, then you just buy the product, take it home and sell it on eBay for a nice big profit. You can check items manually, but that would take forever. But, with the barcode reader you can have all of the information presented to you, and eBay recognizes most barcode numbers so it will take you straight to the item you want.

2 - The digital photo frame

If you sell things online or have a website or an offline store, then create some adverts for it. You then load the adverts onto the digital frame. The adverts will flip from one to the other, so all you need to do now is place this frame in your window. Passersby will see your adverts, plus you can so the same thing in your car when you go out.

3 - The desktop PC or Laptop

This is a little bit of a no brainer, but you can use these devices to do graphic design that you can sell. You can build websites and sell them, or you can create programs and sell them. You can even alter photographs or alter videos as a freelance agent and make money that way.

4 - The digital camera and portable printer

This is a great way of making money in tourist spots. Offer to take photos of people and print them off right there and then. Pop it in a nice frame and they buy it from you right there. It is a very easy and friendly way of making money.

5 - The Tablet device and portable card reader

Use your tablet to show people the apps you have built or the websites you have designed. You may then have people buy them from you right away with their card. You can use your tablet as your own little portfolio and then take deposits in order to make the items.

6 - The digital projector

When you go anywhere, you should part in the shade and against a large surface. A large white surface is the best, but a big brick wall will suffice. You place the projector in your car and project an image though your window and onto the big surface outside. This image should be an advert for your ecommerce site. You have essentially just placed a large poster on the surface, except that you cannot get arrested for it because there is no law against projecting an image onto a public surface.

7 - A camcorder and a DVD burning lab

The DVDs called “Bumfights” was objected to by every government official in America and hundreds of special interest groups, and yet they made two sequels. The DVDs showed real life, such as bums with no teeth, hookers with black eyes, and drugged up transvestites doing things for money. It also had lots of fights that people had caught on camera.

You do not have to peel back the scab of human society, but what is to stop you running out and making your own DVDs of anything. You could try “101 dating fails” or “BMX broken bones” where you spend two weeks taking footage at a BMX track, during which time you will have taken shots of around 200 accidents that you can put into the DVD. The DVD burning lab needs be nothing more than your PC and a color printer to print the DVD covers for the cases. You do not have to bother about barcodes if you do not want.


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