Data Security Breach Management | Why do Data Breaches Take Place

Data Security Breach Management | Why do Data Breaches Take Place:

What makes target attacks on a company’s server so attractive for hackers? In addition to being able to get important and sometimes classified information about a company, a lot of the time attackers go after private and sensitive information belonging to consumers. Payment information, transaction logs and social security numbers are especially vulnerable. In the wrong hands, this information can be used to destroy your customers’ finances and make their lives miserable moving forward. Three-quarters of data breaches have financial motives at the root and happen during opportune times for the attackers. Over 70 percent of hackers target user interfaces while over half compromise a company’s servers. By learning from past attacks and working to secure your business’ information moving forward you will be able to help protect your customer data and keep your company moving forward. You can see trends in data breaches and some of the worst data breaches to occur by reading the infographic below.


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