Android Mobile | Why BlackBerry Playbook Development is not Gaining Momentum?

BlackBerry PlayBook, the tablet from BlackBerry, made its debut in April 2011. The BlackBerry Playbook had been considered as a tough competitor for iPad and Android Mobile tablets. The tab still runs on BlackBerry Tablet OS. Even though the new BlackBerry 10 OS made it’s way to BlackBerry mobile devices, the tablet is yet to receive the updated OS version. The device supports Android Mobile apps, which makes it popular among BlackBerry enthusiasts. The multi-functional screen offers the best of multi-tasking features to the users. In spite of sturdy features and the fame of its mobile partners, there are few essential factors missing from BlackBerry PlayBook.

Why BlackBerry PlayBook has not gained momentum?

Some of the major reasons why BlackBerry PlayBook has not gained momentum include – Primarily the lack of apps in App World seems to cost too much on the tablet. Even though there are exceptional apps designed for the BB 10 OS version, the delayed OS update and lack of compatibility of apps makes it tougher for the user. With the shortcomings of the existing BlackBerry OS disappoints the users. The lack of native email apps, no calendar feature, no contact feature has been a major turn off in the BlackBerry PlayBook initial version. The BlackBerry PlayBook was mainly targeted at an enterprise level, but with major competition from iOS, Android mobile tablet and other emerging markets, the tablet has failed to meet the expected target. With iPad 3 and Amazon Kindle Fire HD acquiring more in the global market, BlackBerry PlayBook seems to lose consumer interests, as well. With losing stake values and obsolete tech updates, BlackBerry seems to lose its market globally.
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What can be possibly done to resolve the market status?

Android Mobile
As per various market analysts report, the company need to plan on various feature updates. By updating the BB OS, built –in apps, and developing BB10 compatible app versions, the company could bring in a positive change. By porting, more Android Mobile apps to PlayBook can enhance the customer demands. With more enhanced Business apps designed for the tablet, the company can target the enterprise sector yet again.


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