Instagram facebook : Five Ways to Convert Your Followers and Customers

Instagram, before being purchased by Facebook, was growing at an astounding rate. Facebook wisely acknowledging that millennials, as a collective, are unlikely adhere to past generations need for continuous conversation, immediately bought the company into its fold. There is, however, an existing misconception about Instagram, which has become rather prevalent. It’s nice that we can all be creative photographers, but there's no way to make it work for revenue generation. The following five steps should go a long way in dispelling this belief. You can indeed convert followers into customers and here's how.

First Way to Convert Followers: Get a Large Following.

This may seem to be a pretty basic step in the long process to maximize Instagram’s earning potential, but it is a crucial first that many people routinely miss in the process. We cannot stress it enough! You need to first have a considerable number of followers, before you can advertise to them.
Instagram facebook
The next logical question that arises is: how exactly does one acquire followers on Instagram? Instagram and Twitter are very similar, in that they both have lower thresholds for follower acceptance, than do Facebook and other traditional social networks. You can quickly acquire a following by doing two things: first follow everyone; second like pictures frequently. The first act allows you access, the second step helps build the relationships you'll need later on.

Second Way to Convert Followers: Hold a Contest!

You may be amazed to hear this, but people generally love free stuff. There's something about receiving free stuff that drives people crazy. Holding a contest on Instagram can be a pretty cool experience, but you must first have a large number following you, to make this worthwhile.
Once you're following is in place you can hold two different types of contest: ones based on quality of image or others based on a given quantity. Some ideas for quantity based contest are most likes in a day, most pictures of a given object. The rules are up to you to make just make sure to advertise your contest, with a single legitimate picture.

Third Way to Convert Customers: use Geo-location!

Instagram allows you to share the location of your pictures, which you can easily do by using the applications intuitively simple interface. Once you have geo-located your pictures, you can even go ahead and make it a race to a particular location, with a goal such as receiving a certain object, or gaining access into an event.
People with nothing better to do, may very well take you up on your offer, allowing you to identify your ideal or most persuadable audience. You can also ask people to photograph a particular object, such as a building or animal, at a particular place, to receive something in return. The main idea is your being able to draw out your core audience, with some sort of incentive. These are the people who are most likely to spread your message.

Fourth Way to Convert Followers: Free Giveaways!

Free giveaways may cost money, but they help solidify your customer base. You can convert followers, by taking a picture of something and tagging it. Your next step would be making it a first to this place type contest, or a freebie between this time and this time deal. This is all fine and dandy, but there is something you must never forget, no matter how big or growing your audience may be.

Fifth Way to Convert Followers: Quality Photos!

This should go without saying; a photo app user should take great pictures! Let's use a solid picture of a coastline, as an example. You can include a comment about a great travel agent or website. There is always that fine line between a genuine comment and spam, so make sure to thread carefully! Your comment should provide value before pushing anything.
It is possible to convert followers into customers. The task, however, should be done with patience. There are few things more disconcerting than botching an advertising campaign. Your first step must be to build that following. Once you have done so, you can focus on holding a marketing campaign centered on engagement, about once a month. Using a frequency that is much higher, could result in diminishing returns, which would be sadder than a picture with no one to admire it.


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