Now is the best time to open business -INFOGRAPHIC | Javamazon
Thought about starting a business, but not sure it’s the right time? The gloomy economy can make any potential entrepreneur hesitant to launch a new venture. But a look beyond the surface reveals that there are numerous factors working in your favor. Just think about the number of funding sources available today.
A small business bank loan, a Small Business Administration loan, venture capitalism, angel investors—even crowd funding and tapping into retirement. The possibilities for getting the funds you need to back your dream are still abundant. There are other factors working in your favor, too. There’s less competition, for example, because other would-be entrepreneurs aren’t looking beyond the surface like you are.
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Not to mention, a recession means that things like rents and wages are lower—saving you money on overhead costs. And that’s not all. There are plenty of other reasons why now might be the perfect time for you to launch your lifelong dreams. Check out the Infographic below to learn more about why now is the perfect time to take action.
best time to open business
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Businesses which were started during a Recession and what happened ?
Below are few interesting facts which were taken from a articles:
- 16 out of the 30 corporations that make up the current Dow Jones Industrial Average started during a recession
- Walt Disney Corporation began during the recession in 1923-24.
- Hewlett-Packard Corporation began in 1938 during the Great Depression.
- Microsoft Corporation began during the 1975 recession.
- This USA Today also notes that in the recession of the early 90s, 25% of downsized executives over 40 started their own companies. It makes you think that, perhaps, recession is a natural way to clean house and restart the economy anew, even though it is very painful.
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