Android Mobile I HOT HOT HOT The Galaxy S4 Is Coming

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Android Mobile with Samsung Galaxy S4 - Following the massive success of Galaxy S3, the Galaxy S4 is expected to arrive on March the 15th. With sales reported to commence in April according to some sources. Samsung have remained quiet about their launch and a representative of the company stated, "We don't comment on rumors or speculations." The Samsung Galaxy Series android mobile has developed into a very serious rival for the iPhone series from Apple. The S3 was launched amidst media glare to rival that of the Apple launch. With the success of the S3, the Galaxy S4 is expected to receive even more attention. The launch of the new phone is likely to begin in Europe and Asia and then roll out later to the Americas, Australia and Africa.

Galaxy S4 Android Mobile - What will it be?

So what should we expect from the next in this series. The screen will certainly be epic with the Super AMOLED technology taken to the next level. Expect superb processing power and a big screen. With so much having been right with the Galaxy S3, don't expect a major overhaul just improved refinements.
Samsung has carved out a strong following in the smart android phone market. In 2012, they reached the position of no.1 vendor of android mobile phones in the world by volume. They overtook Nokia who had held the title for over a decade. The success of Samsung is undoubtedly down to their high specification, high performance and beautiful phone series as well as the Note 2. They probably made 2 of the 3 best phones to be released last year.
A fight for dominance
With technology moving so fast, Samsung, and the other companies fighting for dominance in the higher end smart phone market, must continue to innovate. The iPhone 5 received much criticism for lack of change and creativity in their latest model. This is not something that has yet been widely alleged of Samsung. If Samsung manage to release another belter of a android mobile phone, as they have a few times over the last few years, then surely, they will retain their top spot for android mobile phone sales in 2013 and threaten the longevity of the iPhone series.
iPhone looking budget
iPhone itself looks set to enter the more budget handset market as well. Apple has announced that they intend to provide a lower spec more accessible iPhone to the market. Samsung already provides phones on all levels in the market and the competition between the two companies has largely been at the top end. It will be interesting to see how the dynamic in the market develops in 2013, and the launch of the Galaxy S4 will be one of the defining points in the year.
Samsung S4 is being advertised heavily on the TV at the moment on places such as ESPN. Samsung marketing activities are trying to create a buzz and surely the S4 will hit the android mobile market running and build further momentum for the company on top of what it has developed over the last few years.
This has been an exciting time for the smartphone user market with a number of cracking phones available. 2013 is going to be another good year.


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